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Jennifer on Lakota
Tim on Lilly
Elizabeth on Mule
Shawn on Lana
Success Stories: Welcome

My Client's Success Stories

I first met Katie after my husband at Christmas gifted me with a certificate for riding lessons with her. On my first lesson going out on the trail with Katie- My horse Lakota did what she would always do when on the trail, not wanting to be lead horse, she would wonder off the trail, wanting to turn to go back and very anxious in returning to the barn; wanting to run home and at times would bolt and buck.  She would lay down on me to roll. It was a fight and struggle every time we went out on the trial. Not much fun!

Katie saw immediately Lakota’s nasty behavior. We set up a lesson plan that consisted with Katie schooling Lakota independently and riding lessons for me. My riding goal was to learn effective riding skills and techniques that would help me to communicate to my horse what I asked of her and for a more responsive answer from her.  Katie, in her patience and step-by step and easy to understand instructions; designed to get results was/is just what I/we needed! 

After Katie got a handle on Lakota and discovered what corrective skills and techniques work best on her; the lessons then began with me.

With Katie’s vast knowledge of horses and riding experience she proved to be very capable. She was able to teach and show me the skills and techniques that worked best for my horse and me. She also taught me to be more assertive with her when she got nasty or testy and to instill mutual respect from both Lakota and myself. With-in a month’s time Lakota was an amazingly different horse. And I; a rider with a new assertive riding confidence.

We recently returned from a horse camp trip in Organ Pipe National Monument. Lakota was great! She would take the position of lead horse on the trail when asked. There was no wondering off the trail, or any inclination of her wanting to head back. She kept the gait I asked of her, and no running back but a nicely paced walk back to camp.  It was very memorable and enjoyable ride, with no fear of bolting!!

Although Lakota and I have some ways to go, (and, always on going) we now have a more solid foundation and I am better equipped with the skills Katie taught. I look forward in becoming a better rider for my horse and for Lakota in becoming a better and happier horse with Katie’s instruction. I could see in Katie that in her instructing it is also her desire and goal for the horse and rider to become partners, and to be able to go out on the trials for safe, fun, and enjoyable rides.  She has a true heart for horse and rider to become one. Thank you Katie in helping me to become a better partner for Lakota, and teaching me to ride with Confidence. Looking forward to exploring and riding tails with Lakota with out us battling one another.. It is a dance, one that I will keep on practicing! Thank You!!

Jennifer S

Tucson, AZ/Durango, CO

“I acquired an older horse from the boarder patrol. Needless to say she was the most perfect horse anyone could ask for except if she went over a mile she would rear up, turn around, run me back wards into a bush or side ways into a fence. She would lock up and not move as well as buck if I tried to get her to go forward.
I rode my beautiful girl I named Mule for a year of this before wanting to just give up. I was loosing riding buddies and frankly it was very hard on me emotionally and physically getting her to go over a mile.
I asked Katie to help me. I had to go on a business trip so she took my girl for five days and when I returned, SHE WAS FIXED !!!!
Now we go every where !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alone or with friends, three to fours hour rides, up and down hills, anywhere I want to go. We even get to trailer out to fun places. My beautiful girl named Mule is now the horse I have always dreamed of.
Thank you Katie .
Happy Trails for sure.

Success Stories: Testimonials
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